Terasense will exhibit at IRMMW-THz 2015, Hong Kong and invites all terahertz admirers to visit!

Terasense is going to take part as an Exhibitor in the 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz-2015), Honk Kong scheduled for August 23-28, 2015.
chinese_university_hong_kong_rmjm040607_2This time it is the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong that will host the IRMMW-THz Conference, the oldest and largest continuous forum devoted to the science and technology of long-wavelength radiation. The conference brings together scientists and technologists from more than 30 countries and typically hosts 600-700 participants, featuring  IEEE as its  a long term technical co-sponsor.
The scope of the conference includes all scientific and technological activities from millimeter-waves to the Terahertz (THz) regime and on to the far-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This covers a very wide range of disciplines, encompassing everything from micro- and nano-scale devices and structures to large-scale accelerators and tokamaks and their applications. Presentations at this conference address issues ranging from basic physics, chemistry, electrical engineering and materials science to problems in high frequency circuits and systems, communications, antennas and optics, imaging and spectroscopy, and much, much more.
As always, Terasense will bring to the show our best Terahertz imaging system that have been recently upgraded.  Our experts will go great lengths to demonstrate truly mesmerizing capabilities of our THz imaging systems and cameras.  ‘Seeing is believing’ is very true about any innovative technology, and Terahertz imaging is no exception. Stopping by at out BOOTH #6 on the ground floor will give you a chance to quickly watch live how our THz technology works, how easily our Terahertz imaging systems can see through the matter, what element our THz system includes, and, most importantly, which hands-on applications of this technology are worth-while attention.
Terasense booth (TABLE 6 - marked as 'TA6' on the map below) will be located by the entrance to the building and gathering point outside LT3 on the ground floor (G/F). This place should get a lot of foot traffic and the coffee will be served from just around the corner. Well, we are absolutely confident that it will be demonstrationsof our THz imagers that will attract most of the public to that place, rather the coffee! ;-).
However, to find us you are welcome to follow the coffee smell on the ground or fat red dot () on the map.
YIA Setup Proposal-GF-R6r

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