TERASENSE offers tangible year-end discounts on all THz cameras purchased in September 2024

If you are visiting our web-site, I am sure you are a fan of terahertz waves and may have just returned from the  49th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) that was held in Perth, Australia, 1st – 6th September 2024.

If so, you don’t have to be convinced in the advantages of Terahertz technology and you are well aware that THz imaging systems employ THz rays, which have no ionizing radiation and, accordingly, are absolutely harmless for humans.  Moreover, Terasense THz imagers and THz sources have CE Certificate of Compliance and are recognized as environmentally friendly products that can be safely used with no detriment to human health/safety.

Rapid non-destructive characterization & detection of objects / defects /anomalies / foreign bodies in uniform materials (and under coated surfaces) is viewed as the essence of our technology meant for our terahertz imaging scanner systems. Consequently, non-destructive /non-invasive inspection of various dielectric materials for internal anomalies or defects or foreign bodies are considered to be the primary applications. Of course, each material and application may have its peculiarities.

Our product line includes quite a few models of 2D THz cameras and 1D linear cameras (scanners) meant both for scientific (research/testing) and industrial use.   Most of our research/scientific customers tend to be interested in our table-top, portable, easy to set up 2D THz imaging cameras (focal plane sensor arrays), which are mostly used for lab tests including initial tests of application feasibility or demonstration/test purposes (mostly for NDT applications).  Our industrial customers feel more inclined to choose our linear scanners/solutions.  

Even though, this year Terasense passed on the opportunity to exhibit at the IRMMW-THz , but we keep getting  many inquiries in our THz imaging technology relative to various applications /industries, where human health is of utmost importance and where X-rays are not acceptable due to ionizing radiation and Terasense is  ready to satisfy all our customers’ needs in NDT. 

In order to recoup itself for missing IRMMW-THz  exhibition and seeking to rattle up some of the  vacillating customers  Terasense is happy to announce pretty tangible Year-end discounts  (very tangible) on all purchase orders received in September 2024. Alternatively, we can offer free shipment which in case of international order may look even more attractive.

Anyway, if this message kindled your interest, you are welcome to contact Terasense to get more information and get your discount. *Please note, this offer applies to our direct customers /end-users only.

Have any questions? Please contact us.