Terasense is proud of its numerous customers, among which there are a number of leading industrial, scientific, research institutions from all over the world, with just a few listed below: |
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A |
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Italy | A |  |
A | | |
 | A | Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute 12 (KERI), South Korea |
| A | NEC Corporation, Japan  |
 | A | Anteral S.L., Laboratorio 7, Navarra, Spain |
| | SAPEC BV, The Netherlands |
 | A | TOPTICA Photonics AG, Germany |
| | Tsinghua University, Beijing, China  |
 | A | NUCTECH Company Limited, China |
| | Institut National d’Optique (INO), Canada  |
 | A | Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan |
| | University of Utah, USA  |
 | A | The Petroleum Institute, Abu-Dhabi, OAE |
| | AINIA Centro Tecnológico SPAIN  |
 | A | University of Soul, South Korea |
| | University of Northern British Columbia, Canada  |
 | A | Université Laval, Canada |
ASAMEER Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research | Department of Electronics & Information Technology
Ministry Of Communications & Information Technology, Govt Of India |
| |  |
 | A | University of Wolongong, Australia |
Pioneer Corporation, Japan  |
 |  | A | Université Montpellier & CNRS, France |
The Hebrew University of Israel, / NETEERA, Israel  |
 | A | Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey |
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), South Korea  |
 | A | Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea |
| | Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology(SMART)  |
 | A | National University of Singapore, Singapore |
……………. and many others, some of which are repeat customers.