Tunable Plasmonic Crystals for Edge Magnetoplasmons of a Two-Dimensional Electron System
V. M. Muravev, A. A. Fortunatov, I. V. Kukushkin, J. Smet, W. Dietsche, and K. von Klitzing. Phys. Rev. Letters, 101, 216801 (2008).

Plasmonic crystal effects analogous to photonic crystal phenomena such as zone folding and gap opening were observed for edge magnetoplasmons in a two-dimensional electron system with a periodically corrugated boundary at microwave frequencies. Magnetic field dependent photovoltage data provide unequivocal evidence for Bragg reflection. Band gaps up to fifth order were observed. These gaps were investigated as a function of the electron density, the magnetic field, and the periodicity to demonstrate the tunability of the dispersive properties of these plasmonic crystals.