Microwave magnetoplasma resonances of two-dimensional electrons in MgZnO/ZnO heterojunctions

V. E. Kozlov, A. B. Van’kov, S. I. Gubarev, I. V. Kukushkin, V. V. Solovyev, J. Falson, D. Maryenko, Y. Kozuka, A. Tsukazaki, M. Kawasaki, and J. H. Smet. Phys. Rev. B 91, 085304 (2015).


The plasma, magnetoplasma, and edge magnetoplasma excitations were investigated in two-dimensional electron systems hosted at the heterointerface of MgZnO/ZnO structures using optical detection of resonant microwave absorption. The magnetodispersion of the plasma excitations allowed the extraction of the electron effective mass. It was found to exhibit a surprisingly large dependence on the electron density, which is difficult to account for just from nonparabolicity effects.

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