
Detailed technical description for sub-terahertz wave source

Have you ever looked under the case of our Impact ionization avalanche transit time diode (IMPATT diode)? Of course, the right answer would be “NO”, because it is prohibited according to our operating instructions specified in the User’s Manual for...

Attenuation of terahertz radiation in various materials

Development of semiconductor technology and new materials research expanded the utilized frequency limits to THz regions and opened doors for new applications in a number of of industries like wireless communication, homeland and personal security, medical diagnostics, FMCG packaging, food...

Manual for 300 GHz wave source is available for download now

Based on the actual inquires and questions form our customer it’s getting more and more obvious that higher-frequency terahertz sources  are in demand  and will keep agitating minds. Our 180 GHz and 300 GHz wave sources recently added to product...

Old type terahertz sources give way to the new generation

Our customers and web-site visitors know that many of terahertz imaging applications require high power sources. High power may be a critical success factor in THz imaging in case when a thick object or high density objects are irradiated, because...

New demo version of our terahertz Security Body Scanner is out now!

We are glad to inform you that a latest version of our Security Body Scanner is available for demonstration in our lab on a constant basis.  Terasense body scanner is intended for stand-off  detection of weapons, including cold steel and fire arms,...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear Friends, Chrіstmаs аnd Nеw Yеаr, thе sеаsоn оf lоvе аnd hаppіnеss іs just hеrе аnd оur cоmpаny wоuld lіkе tо tаkе аn оppоrtunіty tо wіsh yоu аnd yоur fаmіly а vеry mеrry Chrіstmаs аnd а vеry Hаppy Nеw yеаr! ...

Help us meet your terahertz application needs!

Terasense, being a company that is in the constant dynamic development of its own technology, is always happy to please its fans with new products and upgrades. This year was especially successful for updating the existing product and expanding the line-up of...

Liquids are finally tamed by terahertz radiation

Water and water–containing substances have long been known to heavily absorb terahertz radiation. This property used to make water and some other liquids non transparent for THz rays, which in its turn precluded terahertz imaging technology from being effectively applied...

Wood processing via terahertz vision: the first testing on the Woodex’2017

As we all know well, after nine years of intense research Terasense is no longer limited to only one application. Moreover, the number of objects and materials that we can inspect is growing rapidly. One such material is wood, and...

Terasense has far-reaching and ambitious plans to develop terahertz imaging systems

Terasense is a relatively young company, which is evolving and maturing with each new year we leave behind and with each new order we successfully complete for customers.  Since the time our first terahertz imaging sensor array prototype was produced...