
THz security screening of mail, envelops and small packages for hidden threats

We all know that terrorism is on the rise now and continue bringing tragedies for people and governments. Terror methods are becoming more ingenious and now include letter bombs that can injure or kill not only a recipient, but also...

Top web-site for terahertz imaging products – now updated

Dear customers, members of terahertz community and simply our web-site visitors! We hope there are not so many people now that would dispute the fact that our web-site ( is raking at the top for terahertz imaging products, in particular, ...

Terahertz imaging in automotive industry applications

Research into new materials and semiconductor technology had expanded existing boundaries to the terahertz extremes which opened doors for commercializing the THz technologies in numerous markets and various applications. Terasense’s technology shows promise in Automotive Industry for such applications as...

Terahertz imaging system detects paper money in books

Terasense team strongly believe in great potential of terahertz imaging, which stands to reason as we sell terahertz imaging cameras and sources, after all. Either prompted by our customers or partners or through our own initiative we continue testing various...

World’s Fastest Camera Captures the Movement of Light

Rеsеаrchеrs frоm Lund Unіvеrsіty crеаtеd а cаmеrа whіch іs cаpаblе tо fіlm wіth іncrеdіbly hіgh іmаgе аcquіsіtіоn rаtе еquаl tо fіvе trіllіоn іmаgеs pеr sеcоnd, whіch wаs nеvеr dоnе bеfоrе.  Thе cаmеrа еmplоys а nеw tеchnіquе nаmеd FRАMЕ – “Frеquеncy Rеcоgnіtіоn...

ETSC Technologies, Belgium now handles Terahertz imaging products

Just like the Enlightenment-era secret society of Illuminati, Terasense continues its ‘noble mission’ in bringing terahertz imaging knowledge and technology to our customer in science and industry in Europe. Of course we need help to reach success in  establishing a...

Terahertz Applications of the TeraSense Technology in Ceramic Tiles Industry

The high speed linear terahertz scanning system manufactured by TeraSense for conveyor belt applications is a highly effective solution for non-destructive test and quality control of various materials in an industrial environment. A key benefit of the TeraSense THz imaging technology is its...

Terasense imagers exhibited at German THz conference 2017

One more Terahertz –related exhibition can now be added to Terasense ‘attendance records’! This time it was German THz Conference 2017  held at  Ruhr University Bochum (29 – 31 March, 2017).     The conference brings together German scientists and students...

New Video Is Out Now: Terahertz Imaging for Quality Control in Food Industry

Terahertz rаdіаtіоn shоws prоmіsе іn quаlіty cоntrоl оf fооd prоducts. Аs terahertz аrе іnhеrеntly sеnsіtіvе tо wаtеr, thеy аrе vеry suіtаblе fоr mоіsturе dеtеctіоn. Thіs prоvеs tо bе а vаluаblе аssеt іn dеtеctіng thе mоіsturе cоntеnt оf drіеd fооd, а...

NDT Inspection capabilities offered by terahertz imaging for Agriculture

 THz imaging systems are gaining popularity with the experts in various industries, including Agriculture.  It stands to reason, as there are certain problems, which conventional approaches based on infrared, visual, and X-ray inspection methods cannot solve, at least without tangible...